Friday, June 29, 2007


AEF was so much fun
Mini Iraq with lots of sun

Sleeping in tents yeah that was great
Ooh them bugs I do hate

Code red turn out all the light
In the tent it was dark as night

Fake patients everywhere
Weston's moaning like a bear

Back to the dorm five minutes to shower
Hurry, hurry they did holler

Off to Officers club we did go
Now we are first class don't you know

Majors and Colonels buying us drinks
Wow what fun don't you think

Hanging out with the the Major
He is awesome won't you wager

Next night there was the mess
we all came in formal dress

Juliet flight went to the grog
now our brains are in a fog

This morning there was parade
Now we're done we have it made!

Driving home at last
Now the MTI terror has past


Hi friends,Well after an exciting week I am driving home. We began the week with AEF. They put us on buses and drove us to a secret compound that looks like you are in Iraq somewhere. We slept in tents. But had decent bathrooms thank goodness. we had pretend exercises running a military field hospital. We had pretend patients who they really had makeup to make their wounds look real. I was one of the people in charge of running the hospital. We had to get ready for bombings and things it was cool. After it was over we raced back to shower and change for the officer's club. When we arrived we were told we made first class status. Meaning we are officially officers. The 2 heads of COT were there and they bought us drinks and hung out with us talking it was really cool. One of my teammates and I hung out just talking. It was awsome. Then we had the dining out last night. My husband drove up for it. It is a formal dinner where you have all these silly rules and if you violate them you go to the Grog bowl where you have a ceremony and have to have a drink either leaded or chunky unleaded. Our flight kidnapped some things from the other flights so 2 flights sent us to the Grog bowl. It was fun. Today we woke up and had graduation parade and then got our certificates. said goodbye to everyone and we are on our way. Next week we will head to our new home!!!Love,Captain J. (that is my what everyone calls me)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Congratz on this and hope it all goes well. At least no more of the training part of it.

Keep us up to date on this.

Thank you.