Monday, May 21, 2007

Pre Boot Camp is done

Hi Everyone,
Well I finished the Pre Boot Camp program! Yeah! Now I am just getting ready to go. I am getting very sad about leaving the family for 1 month. I am really going to miss them.

Anyway My computer is being fixed for the next several days so I may not post anything for a few days. (I am at the library now using their's)
Have a great Shavuoth and I will write more later in the week


judypolster said...

wow, does this mean you aren't with the family for shavuot? that really must be hard... anyhow, i wish you the best of luck with the "real thing", stay in touch!

bear said...

Good Luck. Remember it's only for a month and at the end you get saluted. :) It's going to be yes sir, no ma'am, and secretly, go jump in a lake sir. :) Hey you might actually like this working out stuff( it make happy hormones endorphines)maybe try a triathalon or two...LOL. Keep a positive attidude all the time,you signed up for this. Kim S